Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Starling Flight

"Starling Flight" watercolor 9"x6" (c) Susan Bertke
I'm in the process of setting up my gallery at Daily Paintworks (DPW). This may take a little time (a day or two), but it will enable me to actually sell my paintings online!

Like most artists, I have a terrible time pricing my work. Several artists have told me I'm pricing way too low. (If so, why aren't my paintings flying off the wall like hotcakes?) DPW offers an online auction as well as straight purchase, so in the beginning I may put some things up for auction to see what my "market will bear."

Also, any painting I post here on Blogger will automatically be picked up by DPW. So if you see something here, you can buy it there! That includes my "Starling Flight" shown above.

Wish me luck!

Monday, January 19, 2015


I've been working on this commissioned piece for a while, and it's finally finished and delivered.

I know next to nothing about sailing ships, so that was a challenge. The transition from storm to dawn was a major part of the concept, and I found no reference as to what that might look like--so I studied lots of photos and just made it up. As you can imagine, this gave Inner Critic lots of material to torture me with; but then, she is never satisfied and can just shut up, thank you very much!  The client is thrilled with it, so I consider it a success.
Melchior, acrylic on canvas, 36"x24".